I went to see some of my old Stamps people today. Just like old times hanging out at the CoffeeBean at lunch, awesome. Its good to hear how life sucks there since I left, and nothing gets done. People who previously didn't like me now wish I didn't leave. I am now loved and talked about like I'm a god. Ok, maybe not so much but life sucks there since I left, and that's sort of a good feeling. It's good that the new guy with the actual "manager" title doesn't do half the stuff I do, and none of it correctly. It's good that more and more people are quitting; good people who got a swift kick in the ass after I left. Yes, I was that good. I'm glad I've moved on with that part of my life. Venturing into big pond/small fish territory is definitely a change. It's nice to check out the rear-view mirror of life once in a while, and smile at the things that havent killed you yet. Its because of those things that you are where you are now, after all.